Argumentative Essay Topics: 50 Interesting Ideas To Write About

An argumentative essay is a type of academic paper writing that refers to an argumentative discussion of a particular problem. Through well-developed research, you are supposed to reveal the problem of the question and back up the ideas with clear and actual evidence.

Argumentative Essay Writing: Main Rules for Good Grades

The specificity of argumentative essay writing lies in the necessity to introduce relevant research facts. It isn’t enough to provide the reader with your idea and base the paper on intuitive thoughts. The need for the research is obvious because all the topics are mostly controversial. You can’t persuade the reader of the correctness of your thoughts unless you offer substantial information support from trustworthy sources.

If you want to know

how to write an argumentative essay step by step

, we may give you a clue. Here are 3 main steps on success argumentative writing.

  • It all starts with an argument.

    Your task isn’t to present a clear idea. It is necessary to pose the question to change the perception of the subject discussed. You should think about the problem and develop the argument. It should be a complex statement, not a simple saying.

  • Then you should think about the thesis.

    When compiling the argument, you refer to the general problem. But you should also make it more specific with the help of a strong thesis statement. This is the key message of your paper. What do you want your reader to think about? With an informative thesis, you will be able to expand on the facts and develop your train of thought.

  • You won’t be able to present a quality paper without decent research.

    Writing a

    quality custom essay

    is based on the research process. Your thoughts should be introduced in the paper. But the main facts should be drawn from relevant information sources. This way, you will be able to support your arguments and persuade the readers in the discussed position.

Working on argumentative writing is an interesting process. You will always have to get into the question and research it well. Although it takes time, it is quite a rewarding practice.

50 Engaging Topics for Your Argumentative Paper

Choosing the topic is a long and stressful process. You never know what the best way to introduce your views and ideas on paper is. There are several working tips to find the right topic. You may ask the professor if there are any possible issues for discussion. You should also go and ask your group mates if they came up with the right topic. If you still have little idea about the writing, it is time to brainstorm.

Here’s a complete list of argumentative essay topics. It will help you generate ideas and come up with relevant ones. Let’s read them and see what options you may have as a writer.

  1. Should the death penalty be accepted in the modern world?
  2. What if the government introduces a bill to make the use of tobacco illegal? Will it prevent the number of new smokers?
  3. Is there such a concept as female friendship? Why is there a belief that girls don’t know how to befriend?
  4. What is great about being a competitive person? What are the pitfalls of participating in a constant race?
  5. What’s wrong with lottery tickets? How many chances do you have to win?
  6. The concept of religion these days is doubtful. What is your opinion towards religion?
  7. Feminism as an extrinsic movement: why do some movement supporters are too harsh on others who show no respect to their beliefs?
  8. Should you compete with your group mates or colleagues to achieve better results?
  9. Will it get easier in a couple of years? The outcomes we may get if we continue regular patterns of our life.
  10. Why do people experience culture shock? What is the reason for such a phenomenon? How does it influence the way we perceive another culture?
  11. Should the government give more privileged support to working mums?
  12. How should cyberbullying be punished?
  13. What is the real danger of cell phones?
  14. What kinds of books are better: electronic or paper versions?
  15. How do people respond to constant social media use?
  16. How do technologies impact our housekeeping routine? How does it influence the life of people in general? Are there any improvements?
  17. What is the norm of using the Internet? How much time should you spend online so that it isn’t superfluous?
  18. How should paparazzi work not to penetrate much into the personal lives of other people?
  19. Should you write a diary these days? Is there any need to work on the diary and share your thoughts in writing?
  20. How should people help those in need? Should we develop more financial support for the poorest?
  21. What is the concept of abortion? Do all women have the right to abortion? Is it dangerous?
  22. How should people treat the disabled? Should there be any different ethical rules?
  23. Should you risk your life to save the life of another person?
  24. Do we learn more when we enter university? What is the tendency?
  25. Socializing practice in schools. How do children learn to communicate? Is it a good idea to introduce homeschooling?
  26. Should schools and colleges refuse to assign home tasks?
  27. Is it a good idea to introduce sex education in schools?
  28. The use of standardized tests in schools. How can one evaluate knowledge with the use of a set of questions?
  29. Should children study subjects they don’t like? How should teachers respond to the fact that more subjects become optional?
  30. Should you treat the student when he or she gets high points for the assignment? Is it a correct way to communicate with the student?
  31. How should you raise children when you are out of money?
  32. What if a child has a dairy? Do parents have the right to open the notes and read them without the consent of a child?
  33. What should parents do when they figure out that their child is addicted to drugs?
  34. At what age should you introduce gadgets to a kid? Is it a good way to buy different portable devices when a child is under the age of 6?
  35. Plastic surgery issues: at what age is it a good idea to go to the doctor?
  36. How to become a good parent and don’t invade the personal relationship of children?
  37. What about the price of healthcare services?
  38. Is it a good idea to offer a universal system for healthcare services?
  39. What if a person is addicted to shopping? Is there any cure for the symptoms of shopaholic disease?
  40. What does the lifespan depend on?
  41. How often should people attend bookstores? How many books should one read in a year? What is the practical importance of books?
  42. The importance of museums for young children. Are there many kids who enjoy museum exhibitions?
  43. What happens with the actor’s mental health when the role requires him to become a murderer or psychopath?
  44. How should you relax after a long working day? What methods help people to have some rest?
  45. How much talent do you need to become a famous artist?
  46. Why do people enjoy listening to music? What is special about calm music when you’re sad?
  47. Should teachers tell more about gender stereotypes in school? How should children respond to such learning classes? Is it necessary to talk about gender stereotypes in the school environment?
  48. Are you a morally responsible person? What are the basics of morality? What if you don’t follow the rules that morality sets?
  49. How does your childhood affect your adult life? How should adults heal their mental health after a trauma? Should one go to the therapist?
  50. The concept of cyberbullying in modern society. How should we respond to risks that such activity provides? What are the most effective ways to protect personal data on the Internet?

How to write an argumentative essay properly? What steps should you do to manage the writing practice as best as you can? There’s one way you can go to ensure successful writing practice.

Major Takeaways

The choice of the topic should be a responsible task for every writer. By choosing a relevant topic, you will write an accurate and topical paper. Make sure to look through the list of possible paper ideas and choose something for you. You may either get inspired by these topics and generate your own or choose the idea exactly as it is in the list.

Choosing the topic will take time unless you ask for relevant online help. Make sure to turn to online writing companies for help, get on-time assistance and receive high points.