Research Paper Topics: Best Ideas to Get You Started

People say that in writing any text the most difficult thing is to start. But few people think that what is meant here is not the first sentence or paragraph, but generally the choice of topic! And often it’s very difficult to choose an interesting topic and it takes a lot of time. Here you will find some easy research paper topic ideas.

In this article, you will find many interesting and non-trivial topics to turn the usual writing of the text into writing a research paper topic. In addition, here you can learn not only how to choose a topic for your work, but also what research is all about.

If the teacher does not give you the topic in advance, then creating it from scratch can be done through sudden inspiration, or by reading other topics that interest you and creating something similar but your own.

How to choose a topic for a research paper?

Themes for research are always different and you must do everything to ensure that your topic is relevant. We will introduce a few tricks on how to choose a good topic for a research paper so that you are confident that you choose the best for yourself.

The topic should be interesting to you

If you like your topic, then you can definitely cover all its aspects of your work. It doesn’t matter what your fellow students consider relevant, don’t give in to the general trends, concentrate on what is interesting to YOU and only then you will create really good work.

Enough information

Sometimes it happens that the topic you are interested in simply doesn’t have enough materials and research carried out in this area of ​​interest. Usually, this happens when the topic is either new and researchers simply didn’t have time to study it, or it is too specific and narrow in its specificity. It is better to choose simple and extensive topics that will be relevant and about which you can find enough information.

Themes selected by the teacher

It’s best not to get hung up on what might contradict your teacher’s requirements. For example, if all students were asked to write a research paper about space, then it doesn’t matter how much you like to study butterflies, because space and butterflies don’t fit together. It is important not to forget that some kind of freedom of action still remains, and since you like butterflies so much, just write about flights! But cosmonauts’ flights, not little insects. Remember, before you

starting a research paper

, approve the topic with the teacher.

Research Paper Topic by Categories

Below in this article, you can find a list of interesting research paper topic ideas. For your convenience, they are all divided into categories.

Sociology research paper topic

  1. How divorce can affect children?

  2. Can an unconventional family raise a healthy child?

  3. The maximum that children from the middle class can achieve.

  4. The impact of foreign education on the success of children.

  5. International marriages: change over time.

  6. How romantic comedies affect women?

  7. Are we protected in social networks?

  8. Is blogging a new profession?

  9. Women’s rights in different countries and in different historical periods.

  10. Is it right to divide professions into female and male professions?

  11. An inside look: isn’t it too early to make a marriage proposal in college?

  12. Social groups: how to understand which one you belong to?

  13. Does eating habits affect the national identity of citizens?

  14. Is raw food useful?

  15. Why is it important for young people to know about proper nutrition?

Science research paper topic

  1. Where did the COVID-19 epidemic come from

  2. Is it possible for the medicine to be individual for each person in accordance with their genome?

  3. When did Pluto cease to be considered a planet?

  4. Allergy: what chemicals cause it and how to deal with it?

  5. Are the scientific facts correctly presented in museums?

  6. Special clothing for patients: can it help?

  7. Organic farming and its path to success.

  8. Is it possible to create artificial organs to help people?

  9. Can hackers be considered violators of the law? In which cases?

  10. Does our health depend on the accumulated data in the field of medicine?

  11. Is there a connection between diets and longevity?

  12. Are gut-bacteria beneficial or harmful?

  13. What factors affect the quality of life?

  14. Oral hygiene and pneumonia: where is the connection?

  15. What does modern science know about autism?

Topic about technology for a research paper

  1. What is genetic engineering?

  2. Technologies in the film industry.

  3. Is the modern world possible without robotics?

  4. The impact of social networks on society: pros and cons.

  5. Virtual reality: what is it and how does it work?

  6. Does the popularity of blogs affect the tendency of reading books among young people?

  7. How do social networks affect the learning of modern children and adolescents?

  8. How to increase your network security?

  9. Cryptocurrencies: what awaits us?

  10. Social networks and business: what is the connection?

  11. E-commerce as an integral part of life.

  12. UAVs in war: what is the danger?

  13. How to launder money via the Internet?

  14. Is it possible to prevent the actions of terrorists thanks to information technology?

  15. Technological progress and people with disabilities.

Nursing research paper topic

  1. Alzheimer’s disease: what is it and how to treat it?

  2. Is it possible to warn against cardiovascular diseases? How?

  3. Palliative care. Its basics.

  4. What is the essence of sports medicine?

  5. The main symptoms of bipolar disorder

  6. How to treat the homeless?

  7. Euthanasia: moral aspects and thoughts of patients.

  8. Neonatal practices of modern medicine.

  9. Anorexia nervosa: causes and effects.

  10. How to treat patients in prison?

  11. Effective methods of helping mom and baby during childbirth.

  12. Coronary syndrome: patient care.

  13. What is PTSD and why is it most often found among war veterans?

  14. Nursing profession: how to be a good leader?

  15. What is the most effective way to receive patients?

Accounting research paper topic

  1. How to manage profit?

  2. What is the flow of personal money and how to increase it?

  3. Online accountants: pros and cons.

  4. What is offshore accounting and how to use it?

  5. Accounting practices that are understandable even to an ordinary person.

  6. Why do you need to become a certified accountant?

  7. How did accounting practices change throughout the history of their existence?

  8. What is accounting ethics?

  9. How and why we have to pay taxes?

  10. The role of financial markets in the modern economy.

  11. The flow of information in the accounting information system.

  12. Customer accounting information as a means of assisting in making financial decisions.

  13. Why do you need a personal financier?

  14. Debts: how to manage them and how to avoid them?

  15. Accounting Procedures.

Research paper topic psychology

  1. The consequences of racism in the world.

  2. Social anxiety and its causes.

  3. What are phobias and paranoia? How to deal with them?

  4. Why is attention important to people?

  5. How can people recover lost memory?

  6. Gender roles in modern society.

  7. How does a child develop in a family with aggressive parents?

  8. Asexuality: psychology and study.

  9. Where do thoughts about suicide come from?

  10. What practices should be used to treat addictions?

  11. How does the stellar composition of the team affect their game?

  12. Double standards as a means of human manipulation.

  13. What is heuristic? Its influence on society.

  14. Violence against men: why does society feel ashamed to talk about violence against men in the family?

  15. The Internet as a means of influencing adolescents.

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Philosophy research paper topic ideas

  1. Love. What does it mean to you?

  2. What is loneliness for you?

  3. What is more important: to love or to be loved?

  4. Why is democracy considered a myth?

  5. What is happiness for you?

  6. Eternity. What is it?

  7. Why do people think it’s impossible to live happily?

  8. Is it possible to justify the killing of another person?

  9. How do you see the future of humanity?

  10. Is there a utopia?

  11. The legalization of abortion: the pros and cons.

  12. What determines the kindness or malice of a person?

  13. Why do we need a lie?

  14. Why do many young couples want to live without children?

  15. Ethics of cyber currency.

Research paper topic education

  1. Approaches to education through history.

  2. Why does everybody need sex education?

  3. A theoretical and practical approach in education: the main differences.

  4. Basic education in different countries.

  5. Why do children need preschool education?

  6. Cons of the rating system in the modern world.

  7. How does an unhealthy atmosphere in the classroom affect student education?

  8. Why do people say that you need to learn all your life?

  9. Discipline in education: its role and qualitative influence.

  10. How can an authoritative teacher influence student performance?

  11. Qualities of a modern teacher.

  12. Learning at home: pros and cons.

  13. What are the alternatives to school education?

  14. Why parents shouldn’t intervene in the student learning process?

  15. How to deal with violence at school?

Topic for history research paper

  1. Ancient Egypt and its symbols.

  2. Negative factors of globalization.

  3. Civil war: what they don’t teach us at school?

  4. Legacy after the civil war.

  5. Customs of Ancient Rome.

  6. The influence of history on the modern world.

  7. 18th-century France: women and their rights.

  8. World War II: political and economic reasons.

  9. War and citizens: their role and participation.

  10. Black history through the ages.

  11. Civil wars and their causes.

  12. Who is Benedict Arnold and what did he do?

  13. Nuclear weapons in history: why was it created?

  14. The Hidden Causes of Dictatorship.

  15. Slavery in history.

Religion topic for research paper

  1. Christianity and its history.

  2. The role of religion in different cultures.

  3. Homosexuality and religion.

  4. History of Islam.

  5. Sex in different religions.

  6. Myths: the similarity of the images of the Gods.

  7. LGBT and religion.

  8. The crisis of faith: causes and consequences.

  9. Holy letter: what is the difference between the Bible and the Qur’an?

  10. Religion in modern culture.

  11. The influence of religion on society and its morality.

  12. Do you need to instill the habit of going to church in children?

  13. Do you believe in God?

  14. Culture and religion: how has this duet changed?

  15. Negative aspects of religion.

Topic for English research paper

  1. Why should we make a drug test mandatory for student-athletes?

  2. Modern literature and the Bible: the coincidence of images and metaphors.

  3. The influence of middle-aged literature on contemporary authors.

  4. Positive aspects of hunting skills.

  5. Legalization of prostitution: pros and cons.

  6. Why is it necessary to digitize medical records in modern times?

  7. Family laws: what strange systems were there in the Middle Ages and how do they affect families so far?

  8. The influence of modern heroes on youth.

  9. How do you think does UFO exists?

  10. Depression and its impact on human behavior.

  11. Refugees and terrorism: what is the connection?

  12. Drug and gambling addiction: similarities and differences.

  13. The impact of globalization on the economy in the modern world.

  14. The wife of the president and her role in society.

  15. Wearing leather and fur: the ethics of today.

Topic for economics research paper

  1. How the income of one of the partners affects his position in the family?

  2. Gini index as a reflection of the problem of income inequality.

  3. Inflation and government spending: what is the connection?

  4. Unemployment in the modern world: causes and effects.

  5. Comparative analysis of unemployment in the USA and around the world.

  6. How does international trade affect the economies of countries?

  7. International trade for developing countries: importance and need.

  8. Who bears the economic responsibility for environmental disasters in the world?

  9. US and UK: a comparative analysis of water resources management.

  10. Organic products: harm and benefit to the economy.

  11. How do retailers turn your attention to what they need, not you?

  12. Shopping online: weird customer behavior.

  13. How can the economy prevent an increase in the number of drug-addicted people?

  14. Globalization and the economy: positive and negative impact.

  15. Mistakes of young countries in building their economy.